Lightning countermeasures vary depending on various conditions such as the location of the building and electrical wiring. We listen to the customer’s needs, prioritize what they want to protect the most from lightning, and come up with countermeasure proposals.
Based on our long years of know-how, we design countermeasures with high investment effectiveness, taking cost effectiveness and safety into consideration, and propose them to our customers.
OTOWA designs not only SPD and other electrical equipment, but also lightning protection for buildings using lightning rods and other devices. OTOWA designs all external lightning protection measures such as lightning rods (lightning receiving parts), trailing conductors, and grounding poles.
Design in accordance with the latest JIS
Design and installation of the most suitable grounding electrode system according to geological and other conditions.”
The reduction of lightning surge is implemented using not only SPD and lightning arrestors, but also three other methods. In particular, measures for shielding (shield) are judged not only from drawings, but also by actually seeing the site, and the best design is made.
We use a variety of know-how to create optimal designs, such as taking into account grounding resistance and wiring length to reduce the impact of lightning surges; we conduct lightning immunity designs based on JIS, and consider the condition of the equipment from various perspectives, such as checking the lightning protection level and lightning protection zone. In addition to designing based on JIS, we also make optimal designs for facilities based on various information we learn from field surveys, such as the soil conditions (grounding resistance) and wiring conditions of the facility.
There are various points to consider when selecting an SPD, and because OTOWA is a specialized lightning protection manufacturer, we can select the SPD and surge arrester that best suits the equipment. For SPD for power supply, it is necessary to select the most suitable SPD after confirming the “circuit voltage,” “type of system,” “DC/AC,” and “voltage,” “frequency,” and “number of signal lines” for communication and signal lines. We also handle high-voltage surge arresters, such as 3.3kV and 6.6kV distribution surge arresters and cubicle surge arresters, so we can offer a comprehensive range of lightning protection solutions from high-voltage to low-voltage.
Lightning arresters for 6.6kV power distribution.